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to the homepage of the Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics. Detailed information on the individual working groups can be found below.
Teaching and research deal with the fundamentals and processes of gasborne particls systems. Key aspects are processes for particle handling and particle separation as well as techniques allowing the investigation and the adjustment of structural and functional particle properties down to nanoscale.

Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Nirschl
We focus on process machines used in integrated processes for cleaning, separation and strukturing of fine particles. The lectures deals with apparatus engineering, numerical simulation of fluids and principals of mechanical process engineering.

Head: Prof. Dr. Norbert Willenbacher
We focus on the rheology of complex fluids. On one hand this is used for the development of modern processing and application technologies, on the other hand we examine the influence of molecular and supramolecular structure and dynamics on the macroscopic flow behavior, because especially for complex, multi-phase fluids accurate adjustment of product formulation and processing technology is crucial for technical success

Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Meurer
The group is dedicated to process systems modeling and the development and application of combined model- and data-based methods and concepts for control and optimization of complex dynamic processes, systems and plants.
Head: Junior-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Klahn
The Additive Manufacturing for Process Engineering research group develops methods and technologies for process intensification in process engineering through additive manufacturing (AM). Further information is found on the ADD website of the Institute for Micro Process Engineering (IMVT) ADD@IMVT
Contact person:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. G. Guthausen
The instrumental facility Pro²NMR, funded by the DFG, focusses on the development of diverse NMR methods with respect to bio- and chemical engineering applications.
Head: Dr. Mathias Krause
The Lattice Boltzmann Research Group (LBRG) is an interdisciplinary research group aiming at taking advantage of novel mathematical modelling strategies and numerical methods to enable large-scale simulations as well as optimal control of fluid flows for applications in the field of process engineering.