Comparison of surface filter test rigs VDI 3926 type 1 and JIS Z 8909-1
J. Binnig, N. Mao, J. Meyer, M. Hata, G. Kasper, C. Kanaoka
FILTECH 2005 International Conference & Exhibition for Filtration and Separation Technology, 11.-13.10.2005, Wiesbaden, Germany, Proceedings, II 78-85
Japan started the ISO standardization process for a test method for cleanable filter media in September 2004. The first draft of this guideline suggested two different filter test rigs: VDI 3926 Type 1 and JIS Z 8909-1. These two test apparatus differ significantly in their design, especially with regard to the regeneration systems. Thus side-by-side test of these two test rigs using two polyethylene needle felts has been performed at Kanazawa, Japan. The operating conditions and testing procedure followed the JIS Z 8909-1, the test dust used was Pural NF.
For the first 30 cycles, the results for the two test rigs agreed quite well, in absolute numbers as well as in the relative ration of the two filter media. After aging, there were large differences in the results for the two test devices. The VDI rig showed about 90% longer cycle duration and 25% lower residual pressure drop than the JIS rig. However, there was still a good agreement in the relative performance of the filter media concerning the operation behaviour. With respect to the emissions, there was no agreement at all as the two showed similar performance in the VDI rig, but differed by factor of four in emissions per cycle in the JIS rig.