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Experimental and theoretical investigation of the pressure drop across different surface filter media at low absolute pressures down to 100 Pa | V. Löschner, J. Meyer, A. Dittler |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2025, 131093, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2024.131093 (open access) |
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Flow velocity dependence of the pressure drop of oil mist filters | H.E. Kolb, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 166, 107-114, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2017.03.028 |
On the relationship of drop entrainment with bubble formation rates in oil mist filters | S. Wurster, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 179, 542-549 https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2017.02.036 |
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A sustainable route for antibacterial nanofinishing of textiles | E. Hontañon, J. Meyer, M. Blanes, V. Cambra, X. Guo, M. Masuhr, A. Muntean, L. Santos, H. Nirschl, E. Kruis |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Nanotechnologie, 2016, 4, DOI: 10.11159/ijtan.2016.003 |
Influence of filter operating parameters on fine dust emissions from pulse-cleaned filter bags | O. Kurtz, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Technology, 2016, 39, No.3, 435-443 |
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Influence of anion and cation on the vapor pressure of binary mixtures of water + ionic liquid and on the thermal stability of the ionic liquid | N. Merkel, C. Weber, M. Faust, K. Schaber |
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2015, 394, 29-37 |
Enhanced deposition by electrostatic field-assistance aggravating diesel exhaust aerosol toxicity for human lung cells | L.C. Stoehr, P. Madl, M.S.P. Boyles, R. Zauner, M. Wimmer, H. Wiegand, A. Andosch, G. Kasper, M. Pesch, U. Lütz-Meindl, M. Himly, A. Duschl |
Environmental Science and Technology, 2015, 49, 8721-8730 |
Bubbling vs. blow-off - On the relevant mechanism(s) of drop entrainment from oil mist filter media | S. Wurster, J. Meyer, E.H. Kolb, G. Kasper |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 152, 70-79 |
An electrical conductivity based method of determining the particle deposition rate in air-liquid interface devices | H. Wiegand, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Toxicology in Vitro, 2015, 29 (5), 1100-1106 |
Detachment of droplets from cylinders in flow using an experimental analogue | C.J. Hotz, R. Mead-Hunter, T. Becker, A.J.C. King, S. Wurster, G. Kasper, B.J. Mullins |
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 771, 327-340 |
Measurement of oil entrainment rates and drop size spectra from coalescence filter media | S. Wurster, D. Kampa, J. Meyer, T. Müller, B.J. Mullins, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 132, 72-80 |
Quantification of interparticle forces by energy controlled fragmentation analysis | R. Wernet, A.G. Schunk, W. Baumann, H.-R. Paur, M. Seipenbusch |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2015, 84, 14-20 |
Size-dependent ROS production by palladium and nickel nanoparticles in cellular and acellular environments – An indication for the catalytic nature of their interactions | N. Neubauer, J. Palomaeki, P. Karisola, H. Alenius, G. Kasper |
Nanotoxicology, 2915, DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2015.1019585 |
Film growth rates and activation energies for core-shell nanoparticles derived from a CVD based aerosol process | F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Materials, 2015, 8, 966-976, DOI: 10.3390/ma8030966 |
Coating thickness measurements on gas-borne nanoparticles by combined mobility and aerodynamic spectrometry | F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-014-2824-1 |
Validation of a new phenomenological “jump-and-channel” model for the wet pressure drop of oil mist filters | D. Kampa, S. Wurster, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 122, 150-160 |
Detection of airborne carbon nanotubes based on the reactivity of the embeded catalyst | N. Neubauer, G. Kasper |
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2015, 12, 3, 182-188 |
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Defined polymer shells on nanoparticles via a continuous aerosol-based process | S. Sigmund, E. Akgün, J. Meyer, J. Hubbuch, M. Wörner, G. Kasper |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-014-2533-9 |
Highly controlled structuring of Pt nanoparticles on TiO2 and on ZrO2 by a modified MOCVD process | M. Faust, M. Seipenbusch |
Surface and Coatings Technology 2014, 259, 577-584 |
Low Reynolds number drag and particle collision efficiency of a cylindrical fiber within a parallel array | T. Müller, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2014, 77, 50-66 |
Pressure drop and liquid transport through coalescence filter media used for oil mist filtration | D. Kampa, S. Wurster, J. Buzengeiger, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2014, 58, 313-324 |
Impact of an oil coating on particle deposition and dust holding capacity of fibrous filters | T.K. Müller, J. Meyer, E. Thébault, G. Kasper |
Powder Technology, 2014, 253, 247-255 |
An aerosol-based process for electrostatic coating of particle surfaces with nanoparticles | S. Sigmund, M. Yu, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2014, 48, 142-149 |
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Synthesis of Pt/SiO2 catalyst nanoparticles from a continuous aerosol process using novel cyclo-octadienylplatinum precursors | M. Faust, M. Enders, K. Gao, L. Reichenbach, T. Muller, W. Gerlinger, B. Sachweh, G. Kasper, M. Bruns, S. Bräse, M. Seipenbusch |
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2013, 19, 274-283-10, DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201207038 |
Simultaneous SWAXS study of metallic and oxide nanostructured particles | X. Guo, A. Gutsche, M. Wagner, M. Seipenbusch, H. Nirschl |
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013, 15, 1559 |
Size dependence of the ratio of aerosol coagulation to deposition rates for indoor aerosols | M. Yu, A.J. Koivisto, K. Hämeri, M. Seipenbusch |
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2013, 47, 427–434 |
Synthesis of nanostructured Pt/oxide catalyst particles by MOCVD process at ambient pressure | M. Faust, M. Enders, M. Bruns, S. Bräse, K. Gao, M. Seipenbusch |
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 230, 284-289 |
Synthesis of BI2O3/SIO2 core–shell nanoparticles by an atmospheric CVS/CVD process and their modification by hydrogen or electron-beam induced reduction | F. Weis, R. Schneider, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 230, 93-100 |
The relationship between pressure drop and liquid saturation in oil-mist filters - Prediting filter saturation using a capillary based model | R. Mead-Hunter, R.D. Braddock, D. Kampa, N. Merkel, G. Kasper, B.J. Mullins |
Separation and Purification Technology, 2013, 104, 121-129 |
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of liquid aerosol coalescing filters | R. Mead-Hunter, A.J.C. King, G. Kasper, B.J. Mullins |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2013, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaerosci.2013.03.009 |
Functionality based detection of airborne engineered nanoparticles in quasi real time: A new type of detector and a new metric | N. Neubauer, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2013, doi: 10.1093/annhyg/met007 |
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Charge dependent catalytic activity of gasborne nanoparticles | C. Peineke, P. Davoodi, M. Seipenbusch, A. Weber, A. Schmidt-Ott |
Journal of Nanoscience Nanotechnology, 2011,11, 8628-8633. |
Stabilization of supported Pd particles by the application of oxide coatings | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch |
Applied Catalysis A, 2011, 396, 1-7 |
Coke formation in steam reforming of natural gas over rhodium/alumina catalysts: An Atomic Force Microscopy Study using the oscillating friction mode | C. Eßmann, F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, T. Schimmel, O. Deutschmann |
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2011, 225 (11-12), 1207-1224 |
Monitoring method for carbon nanotubes (CNT): Personal sampler and corresponding reading device | M. Keller, G. Kreck, Y. Holzapfel, N. Neubauer, M. Seipenbusch |
Kück, H.: 4M Association: 4M 2011, 8th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture. Proceedings: 8-10 November 2011, Stuttgart, Germany. |
An Aerosol-Process for the Synthesis of Nanostructured Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts by Integrated Chemical Vapour Synthesis/Chemical Vapour Deposition at Atmospheric Pressure | F. Weis, K. Gao, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11 (9), 8313-8317(5) |
In-vitro cell exposure studies for the assessment of nanoparticle toxicity in the lung - A dialogue between aerosol science and biology | H.-R. Paur, R. R. Cassee, J. Teeguarden, H. Fissan, S. Diabate, M. Aufderheide, W. G. Kreyling, O. Hänninen, G. Kasper, M. Riediker, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, O. Schmid |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2011, 42, 668-692 |
Transfer functions and penetrations of five differential mobility analyzers for sub-2 nm particle classification | J. Jiang, M. Attoui, M. Heim, N. A. Brunelli, P. H. McMurry, G. Kasper, R. C. Flagan, K. Giapis, G. Mouret |
Aerosol Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 480-492 |
Dimensional analysis of the cleaning pulse intensity in a surface filter test rig | J. Binnig, A. Bredin, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Powder Technology, 2011, 211, 275-279 |
Observation of structure sensitive decomposition of Cp(allyl)Pd on Pd nanodots formed by MO-CVD | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2011, 17 (1-3), 54-57 |
The effect of water vapor on the particle structure and size of silica nanoparticles during sintering | V. Goertz, F. Weis, E. Keln, H. Nirschl, M. Seipenbusch |
Aerosol Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 1287-1293 |
A highly sensitive technique for detecting catalytically active nanoparticles against a background of general workplace aerosols | N. Neubauer, F. Weis, A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 304 (1), doi:10.1088/1742-6596/304/1/012011 |
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Nanotechnologies, engineered nanomaterials and occupational health and safety - A review | K. Savolainen, L. Pylkkänen, H. Norppa, G. Falck, H. Lindberg, T. Tuomi, M. Vippola, H. Alenius, K. Hämeri, J. Koivisto, D. Brouwer, D. Mark, D. Bard, M. Berges, E. Jankowska, M. Posniak, P. Farmer, R. Singh, F. Krombach, P. Bihari, G. Kasper, M. Seipenbusch |
Safety Sci., 2010, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2010.03.006 |
Charge dependent catalytic activity of gasborne nanoparticles | C. Peineke, P. Davoodi, M. Seipenbusch, A. Weber, A. Schmidt-Ott |
J. Nanosc. Nanotechnol., accepted for publication 2010 |
Structure and density of deposits formed on filter fibers by inertial particle deposition and bounce | G. Kasper, S. Schollmeier, J. Meyer |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2010, 41, 1167-1182 |
Interparticle forces in silica nanoparticle agglomerates | M. Seipenbusch, S. Rothenbacher, M. Kirchhof, H.-J. Schmid, G. Kasper, A.P. Weber |
J. Nanoparticle Reseaerch, 2010, 12, 2037-2044 |
Risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials and nanotechnologies - A review | K. Savolainen, H. Alenius, H. Norppa, L. Pylkkänen, T. Tuomi, G. Kasper |
Toxicology, 2010, 269, 92-104 |
The efficiency of diffusional particle collection onto wire grids in the mobility equivalent size range of 1.2 to 8 nm | M. Heim, M. Attoui, G. Kasper |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2010, 41, 207-222 |
Sintering of Pd catalyst particles on SiO2-TiO2 carrier particles of different mixing ratios | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper |
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 7816-7821 |
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The collection efficiency of a particle-loaded single filter fiber | G. Kasper, S. Schollmeier, J. Meyer, J. Hoferer |
Journal of Aerosol Science, 2009, 40 (12), 993-1009 |
Reconstruction algorithms for the internal packing density distribution of fibrous filter media based on tomographic data | J. Hoferer, L. M. Hoffmann, J. Goebbels, G. Last, W. Weil, G. Kasper |
Filtration, 2009, 9 (2), 147-154 |
The influence of cake residence time on the stable operation of a high-temperature gas filter | N. Döring, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering Science, 2009, 64/10, 2483-2490 |
Scalable numerical tools for the flow and pressure drop computation in fibrous filter media | F. Strauß, J. Hoferer, V. Heuveline, G. Kasper |
Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2009, 32/2, 820-825 |
Structural stabilization of metal nanoparticles by chemical vapor deposition-applied silica coatings | M. Seipenbusch, A. Binder |
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 20606-20610 |
Kinetics and particle size effects in ethene hydrogenation over supported palladium catalysts at atmospheric pressure | A. Binder, M. Seipenbusch, M. Muhler, G. Kasper |
Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 268 (1), 150-155 |
Temperature dependence of the work function of free nanoparticle agglomerates | K. Reuter-Hack, G. Kasper, A.P. Weber |
Applied Physics A, 2009, 95, 629-634 |
Automated phase correction via maximization of the real signal | E. Hardy, J. Hoferer, D. Mertens, G. Kasper |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2009, 27/3, 393-400 |
Origin and mechanisms of dust emission from pulse-jet cleaning filter media | J. Binnig, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Powder Technology, 2009, 189/1, 108-114 |
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Comparison of surface filter test rigs according to VDI 3926 and JIS Z 8909-1 | J. Binnig, N. Mao, J. Meyer, M. Hata, G. Kasper, C. Kanaoka |
Filtration, 5/4 (2005), 253-258 |
Electric fields coupled with ion space charge. Part I: Measurements | J. Meyer, A. Marquard, M. Poppner, R. Sonnenschein |
Journal of Electrostatics 63 (2005), 775-780 |
Electric fields coupled with ion space charge. Part II: Computation | M. Poppner, R. Sonnenschein, J. Meyer |
Journal of Electrostatics 83 (2005), 781-787 |
Fibrous Filters: Non-Invasive Determination of Local 3D Structure by MRI | M.J. Lehmann, E.H. Hardy, J. Meyer and G. Kasper |
Filtration, 2005, 5 (1), 62-67 |
Filtration Efficiency of Aerosol Particles Below 20 Nanometers | M. Heim, B. J. Mullins, M. Wild, J. Meyer and G. Kasper | Aerosol Science and Technology, 2005, 39, 782 - 789 |
Integration of cyclones and an optical particle counter into a filter tester VDI-3926/Type 1 to characterize PM2.5 emissions form pulse-jet cleaned filter media | J. Binnig, J. Meyer, G. Kasper |
Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft, 65/4 (2005), 163-168 |
MRI as a key tool for understanding and modeling the filtration kinetics of fibrous media | M.J. Lehmann, E.H. Hardy, J. Meyer and G. Kasper | Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2005, 23 (2), Sp.Issue, 341-342 |
Nanoparticle charging efficiencies and related charging conditions in a wire-tube ESP at DC energization | A. Marquard, M. Kasper, J. Meyer and G. Kasper |
Journal of Electrostatics, 2005, 63, 693-698 |
Production and characterization of Pd/SiO2 catalyst nanoparticles from a continuous MOCVS/MOCVD aerosol process at atmopheric pressure | A. Heel, G. Kasper |
Aerosol Science and Technology, 39 (2005), 1027-1037 |
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Performance of a new commercial electrical mobility spectrometer | M. Heim, G. Kasper, G.P. Reischl and C. Gerhart | Aerosol Science and Technology, 2004, 38 S2, 3 - 14. |